Thursday, August 31, 2006

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


support the bean men by clicking on this button...Webcomics Toplist... & then hit the enter and vote link.

Monday, August 28, 2006


support the bean men by clicking on this button...Webcomics Toplist... & then hit the enter and vote link.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Thursday, August 24, 2006


i'm afraid i coundnt get to a new page today... but i got a chance to ink page 146

i'll make up for it tomorrow and do a page.

good comics to read

i just wanted to take a moment to point out my friend matt munn's comic zombie grotto if your a fan of the bean men i'm sure you'll get a kick out of it!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sunday, August 20, 2006

the bean men reviewed!!

i've read comic grump's reviews before, but only just stumbled on this review of the bean men he made.!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Thursday, August 17, 2006


would you rather buy...
a 52 page black & white comic for $2.99
a 52 page full color comic for $4.99
Free polls from

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


would you rather buy...
a 52 page black & white comic for $2.99
a 52 page full color comic for $4.99
Free polls from


i got around to coloring #140

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


would you rather buy...
a 52 page black & white comic for $2.99
a 52 page full color comic for $4.99
Free polls from
many people who have met me... and had a conversation with me concerning the value of printing comics... can tell you that i'm known to declare things like "print is dead!" or "that it's not worth it!!" argument being usually "web-comics are the way to go!!!"

well, i'm going to print a book...mmm i'd have to say, what made me come around was all the requests i seem to get asking for a book at conventions, and all the positive things i've heard from other creators about their experiences using online print-on-demand services...well , the big question is... do the book color? or do the book with a color cover and black & white inside? the cost difference is large!! it costs way more to do it in full color.

so, i'm asking for my readers advice...for me personally, having color in my comics is not really that much of a priority...what do you think? would you pay more for the red blood? or would you prefer a better deal and can live with zip tone blood?

even if your perfectly comfortable just reading the strip on-line and have no intentions of ever buying a book, please take moment and click on which way you think the book should get printed and what cost you'd be willing to pay....for now i'm only going to go one way or the other.

would you rather buy...
a 52 page black & white comic for $2.99
a 52 page full color comic for $4.99
Free polls from

after a week or so i'll make a decision based on this poll.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

guest page #8

and we end the guest pages with one done by my friend Matt Munn

i've known Matt for a long while now, in fact he was there at the beginning, when i first became interested in making 9 to 10 years maybe. he's been making comics on and off for even longer than that. now after many expierences in the field he's starting his own site ZOMBIEGROTTO and has big things planned for his new webcomic Zed Reckoning.

guest page #7

here is a great page done by my friend and fellow cartoonist Bob Lipski .

Bob is the easily the most prolific artist i know, he's been drawing his monthly comic Uptown Girl for over three years now... i had the pleasure of sitting next to Bob at wizard world this last weekend.

Monday, August 07, 2006

guest page #6

i'm back from chicago!! what a blast!... but, i must be getting old... cus' i'm beat!! well, for today i've got another page by my friend DANK!.

i've decided to cut my vacation short, so tomorrow will be the last of the guest pages. i've got a few more, but i just feel the need to get back at it. so, i'm going to save those for when i'm feeling under the weather.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

guest page #5

today is a wonderful comic by Steven Stwalley

Steve's the founder of the cartoonist conspiracy and the creator of the webcomic soapy the chicken... he's also the guy who urged me to do a webcomic and helped push the boat onto the right course.

Friday, August 04, 2006

guests pages #3 & # 4

ah i'm in chicago for wizard world...let's have a look in on whats happening...

for me... it's interesting to see that on today's guest page by DANK! i seemed to have grown hair on my chest since the last time you saw me.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

guest page #2

today we have a page by the great David Steinlecht

David's comic can be found every thursday in the St. Paul Pioneer Press... along with that he's a member of the cartoonist conspiracy and an expert in the art of 'seed art'

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

guest cards!!!!!!

here we have a card my the mighty folk singer Quillan Roe.


Quillan is a member of the cartoonist conspiracy...but around these parts, he's better know as a singer/songwriter for the band, the roe family singers

and in a strange turn of events DANK! turned in a frankenbean drawing as well!!


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

guest page #1

here is the first of the guest pages, this one by DANK!...aka DANNO!...

DANK! is a friend of mine and the guy who pulled me into the cartoonist conspiracy. if you live in minneapolis and you make your own comics, then you've prolly met him...and if you haven't...then your not running with the right circles.
to read an entire graphic novel created by DANK! go here...or to send him a message check out his myspace account