Tuesday, May 30, 2006

JAM WAR 2006

ok so, this doesn't really have anything to do with the bean men... other than the fact that i worked on it... the idea was, teams of 2 or more had 12 hours to write, draw, letter, & ink a complete 8 page tale (within the confines of their lame "alien in the comic shop" theme.)
here's what we came up with, for the most part this was done by DANK! & myself, but Quillan Roe had a healthy hand in helping as did Bob Lipski.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Say, you should send this to WW3 Magazine. It fits right into the kind of work they portray. I think the underlying theme is really awesome. You know how to hit at the raw chords of reality. Sometimes, I wish everyone in the world would just wake up to the reality of whats going on in today's world. To be honest, I find it difficult myself to keep the horrors in mind what with the distractions from the media and my own pitiful life. I too, am a cog in the mechanism of the soul sucking machine. I come to this site though, not just to browse throught the pretty pictures but to read the messages and wait for the day when folks will break their chains of befuddlement, see the true terrors of Earth, and look at it without thinking of it as another episode of "Those Crazy Humans!"...
